welcome, stranger

The Greeks felt compelled to treat strangers with unequaled respect and courtesy, welcoming them into their homes and villages, and so here, in this same spirit, we invite you, all friends, family, and strangers alike, to join with us.

Lycurgus, mythic lawgiver of Sparta, believed that his city-state should forego customary fortifications of wood, stone, brick, and instead charge its people with guarding the land. Thus, this forum and community. To inspire and motivate. To experiment, then report. To inform and progress.

We're here to herald rigorous and intense training, but in a day and age where the endless cycle of desk jobs has robbed most of us of much free time, we know caring for our minds and bodies and their harmonious interaction can often take a backseat. Well, fine. Perhaps we can find ways to break that cycle, but in the meantime let's focus on effective use of time and efficient workout strategies that will convert minimal hours of training into awesome experiences when we are out doing what we love: running a 10K, ripping big waves, kicking the football around.

And maybe we can extend and enhance our lives in the process.


who we are and what we're all about

What began as an individual pursuit of physical excellence, must instead become a collective exploration of holistic well-being. In community, we will find a greater strength of being and a higher purpose. Call it apocalypse training, call it greasing up the mind-body differential, call it prepping for that next cross-country run, dive trip, summit attempt, or bike ride. Whatever the paths we are on, we want to share them and their lessons, support each other, learn and enjoy life.

It doesn't matter who you are or what your fitness level is. The tone will be simple and practical, lighthearted and adventurous. Everything we talk about on this blog will be adaptable and scalable to beginners and veterans alike. The emphasis will remain on integrating broad, functional fitness into our lives and never looking back.

Succinct, practical articles on everything from unique exercises, training routines, Olympic lifts, crossfit, nutrition, and more are all forthcoming. If you're interested in contributing, just let us know and we'll give you the floor. Post your thoughts, workouts of the day (WODs), goals and anything else you want in the comments section beneath each article. Feel free to use the realtime shout box in the right margin to post your WODs and results, arrange workout buddies, and otherwise mouth off.

Jumping right in, check out a customary and highly recommended crossfit-style warm-up below. I've found it gets your muscles and brain all revved up and in great condition to perform just about any physical activity in top form. Even if you abbreviate the warm-up as long as you hit the 3 criteria of (a) increasing heartrate, (b) preparing the muscles for an anabolic state [read: ready to work] and (c) loosening the joints, muscles, and ligaments, then you are in a prime position to avoid injury and come away from whatever you're doing with a big, satisfied smile.

Let me know what you think and, if you have any other alternative warm-up routines, post 'em.


    skills practiced: pistols (one-legged squats)
    3x15 overhead squats (weight: 44-66-88)
    1x10 overhead squats (110 lb)

    5 rounds for time of:
    1 power clean, 3 hang squat cleans, 2 push press @ 110 lbs, 20 situps

    20 HSPUs (handstand push-ups)

    2 ladder climbs (8 rungs up, 8 down), rest, pull-ups to failure

    Notes: I'm making progress on the overhead squats, but it is definitely a difficult motion to get used to and as i progress into higher weights, maintaining a rock solid snatch hold while in a deep squat becomes much more difficult. it's all about concentration.

  2. Did a light workout last night, Friday, May 8 just so that I could keep the routine going and work off some soreness from Wednesday. On Wednesday, I was in Dubai at a hotel, so I did 4 sets on a free weight bench, slow descent, explosive lift (135 lbs x 12, 185 x 6, 185 x 5, 155 x 8). This was after 4 sets of lat pulldowns with changing grips and heavy weight. Finally, rounded off with handstand push-ups (HSPU) and a circuit of situps and air squats.

    Friday's WOD (back in Bahrain):

    max rep dead-hang pull-ups, 2 rounds: 12 reps, 8 reps
    then 2 sets of ladder climbs (up and down 8 rungs)

    30 push-jerks for time @110 lbs.

    smith machine, chest press: 198 lbs. x 10 reps, 220 lbs. x 7 reps

    2 rounds of OHS (overhead squats) @ 20 kilos (45 lb. bar) x 20 reps each

    -threw some situps in there too


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When asked whether it was advisable to build a defensive wall enclosing the city of Sparta, Lycurgus answered, "A city is well-fortified whose walls are made of men not brick."