welcome, stranger

The Greeks felt compelled to treat strangers with unequaled respect and courtesy, welcoming them into their homes and villages, and so here, in this same spirit, we invite you, all friends, family, and strangers alike, to join with us.

Lycurgus, mythic lawgiver of Sparta, believed that his city-state should forego customary fortifications of wood, stone, brick, and instead charge its people with guarding the land. Thus, this forum and community. To inspire and motivate. To experiment, then report. To inform and progress.

We're here to herald rigorous and intense training, but in a day and age where the endless cycle of desk jobs has robbed most of us of much free time, we know caring for our minds and bodies and their harmonious interaction can often take a backseat. Well, fine. Perhaps we can find ways to break that cycle, but in the meantime let's focus on effective use of time and efficient workout strategies that will convert minimal hours of training into awesome experiences when we are out doing what we love: running a 10K, ripping big waves, kicking the football around.

And maybe we can extend and enhance our lives in the process.



For reference, the typical CrossFit warm-up:

* Run 400m or Row 500m
* 10 pull-ups
* 10 dips
* 10 Glute-Ham Sit-ups
* 10 Overhead Air Squats
* 10 20 lb. Medicine ball cleans
* 2 sets of stretches: hamstrings, quads, calves, chest stretch
* set of loosening: while remaining light on feet, shoulder rotations, other joints
(knees, ankles, wrists, neck, hips), torso rotations, forearms, full back stretch


  1. Anonymous3.5.09

    I think running 1km opens the trachia for some hardcore cross fit. Try doing the 100 slot of each. Nuts work out.

  2. What is the 100 slot of each? can you explain that?

  3. Scorpio5.5.09

    WOD: TABATAS!!! Leo inspired me --
    1) 5 Minute warm up jog,
    -Sprint 20sec/jog 10sec x 8
    -Squats - 10 squats per round x 8
    -Push ups (the girly kind) - 10 reps/3x, 11, 12, 12 (only did 6 rounds total there)
    -Jumping Pull Ups - 8 reps x 6 rounds
    -Sit-ups - 9 reps x 6 rounds
    -Walking lunges - 9 reps, 9, 8,8,8,9 (6 rounds total)

    My legs were trembling by the end and I was poouring sweat - I definitely scaled it but it was tough and awesome...gonna feel it tomorrow, yoga is the plan/Adliya 7 PM, any takers?

  4. woah, that's intense, a 6-part tabata, scaled or not, and some really good rep numbers--great stuff. was there any rest between each round of exercises?

    i promise a post on tabatas will be coming up soon, because as scorpio has shown, they are probably one of the best, most efficient uses of workout time that's around. in fact, since she'll be sore for the next couple days, maybe sarah will pen this one... : P


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When asked whether it was advisable to build a defensive wall enclosing the city of Sparta, Lycurgus answered, "A city is well-fortified whose walls are made of men not brick."